Sunday, February 16, 2025

Turkce Tekerlemeler 7

Baba, bak balık, Baba, bak balık, çok kalabalık, Bak bu kalabalık balık, hepsi alabalık, Yap bir babalık, tut birkac balık, koy yanına salatalık.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Turkce tekerlemeler 6

Bol soganli, bol biberli, bol domatesli bir menemen yaptim. Desene yumurtayi az koydum. Evet bir manada oyle.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

New Name for Days

Releating to some other languages we can name like this Sunday MoonDay Two's Day Wetness Day Third's Day Fourth's Day Starday

Two words for English

My son and daughther make the words sweeter. Summer -> Sunner Nightmare -> NightMirror

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Fine Tuning Valleys

Try fine tuning a LLM on a dataset and put generation in each batch. You will see interesting results are generated during the process. Codes, Multiple Choice questions etc.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Turkce Tekerlemeler 3

Sef Tali evde mi ? Hayiy evde yok". Siz Kimsiniz "Ben Kayisiyim". "Kendisine birsey soyleyecektim". "Tamam OgluMUZu cagirayim". "Buyrum amca". "Babana soyler misin gonderdigi seyleri teslim aldim tesekkur ederim". "Kim aradi diyeyim". "EnginARadi dersin

Turkce Tekerlemeler 2

Yüze yüze yüzüm yüzüldü, yüz gündür geçmedi.

Turkce tekerlemeler 1

on eline biraz al un, yirmi insanlar kek yapsam yermi, otuz birazcik icine tuz, kirk aaa tasimiz mi kirik, elli hamurum yogururum elli, atmis icine biraz karbonat katmis, yetmis butun malzemeler yetmis, seksen biraz da tarcin eksen, doksan sonra da yesen yesen doysan

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Infinite factor authentication

microsoft authenticator adds an account with asking authenticating with authenticator which you do not added yet.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

More human start

Not in the level of LLM cliche words like thrilled or mind-blown ((==:)), but

Friday, September 20, 2024

Ehadiyet Vahidiyet

Benzerlikler ve farkliliklar manzumesi kainat. Ehadiyet ve Vahidiyetin tecellileri

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Lutfansa Bus Driver

The flight was connecting to Nuremberg with bus. Bus driver did not take us giving the excuse that my kids will turn to 6 next month. It was a terrible experience but we managed to get a rental car afterwards somehow. Later we realized that the return flight has been canceled due to no show up condition. We did show up but driver did not take us. We don't need the bus. We need the return flight to go back. It is very frustrating for family of 4 to be stuck in airports.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Make Python version default

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.9 1
sudo apt install python-is-python3

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Infinite Factor Authentication

Infinite Factory Authentication is coming back to same point after you complete all sorts of different authentication steps.

Monday, September 18, 2023


#Finetuning in deep learning can be thought of as adjusting an already trained instrument to suit new data better. Consider a simple example where you have a neural network with just one parameter that's designed to predict people's heights using mean squared error (MSE) loss. Ideally, the best prediction would be the average height. Let's say you train this model on a vast dataset, and now you have this pre-trained model. Intuitively, this network has "seen" many examples and has formed a generalized understanding of average height. Now, imagine introducing a new dataset. If you were to train the model solely on this new data, the model would lose its memory of the old data. The learned average might drastically shift if the new population's height is different from the old one. On the other hand, if you incorporate the knowledge from both datasets, your prediction would likely be somewhere between the averages of the two datasets. From a Bayesian standpoint, the ideal balance would give weights to the old and new datasets proportional to their sizes. So, if the new dataset has more data points, it would influence the prediction more heavily. However, if your primary interest is in understanding the new dataset, you might prioritize it and disregard the old data. The core challenge in fine-tuning lies here: how do you strike a balance between retaining useful knowledge from prior data and adapting to new information? This issue is crucial as models venture into new domains or deal with evolving data streams.

Sunday, September 03, 2023

Azure Devops

I have faced such a challenging "I am not a robot" in azure devops page such that it requires us to solve after a few trials. It was like a game.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Visual Studio Code Live Preview

Visual studio code does not allow to look at your servers. But if you iframe them it is nicely showing

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Maybe unrealistic but I kept thinking about these ideas: 1. Getting carbondioxide from air seperating into carbon and oxigen, and squeezing carbon to 3d print diamond houses. 2. Melting and purifying plastic in passific ocean to create an artificial continent. 3. Using sand to produce glasses in desert by glass lenses to produce self replicating machines

Saturday, July 22, 2023

E ink

I am typically curious about e-ink technologies. There could be more applications where they are offering now. For example if rooftops covered with them it could provide low cost climate control system.

Saturday, July 08, 2023


While people are able to write more and more, I am willing to read less and less

Saturday, June 10, 2023


I the task is urgent I will use existing API. If I have more time I prefer to develop my own framework. If I have more time I prefer to prove math theorem.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

WSL is not able to connect internet

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Relu functions

Despite their practical success, Relu activations are theoretically ill-defined. This is due to the existence of numerous trivial local optima where the gradient is zero, and we are optimizing them with approximate local optimizers.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


#Optimization is the core of #machinelearning. All GPU acceleration, cloud systems, and transfer learning in ML are for better optimization. There are many attempts to make it faster. However, there are no widely adopted second-order methods in the field despite some momentum methods depicting them. I believe there is still potential in this area. Having a robust 10% better algorithm could have billion of dollars of impact on the industry. Of course, it is very hard to achieve.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Deep Generative Neural Embeddings for High Dimensional Data Visualization

Smile Pass Experiment Started

Smilepass is face-tracking software, as you will see on this page. You can try it yourself. First, you need to add pictures using either taking pictures by the capture button or loading multiple images from a folder. When it is ready, you can use the pass button to continue scanning faces. You can download the pass list once you need it. This software will help to track attendance or eliminate the need for tickets or RFID cards in your organization. Please contact us for any customization or requests.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Cloud leak

Cloud leak is like memory leak, your bill grows over time while your intent remains the same

Monday, January 23, 2023

Apples and oranges

Where to use ai is more important that having ai inside. If you design a classifier seperating apples and oranges you should first recognize they do not grow in the same tree.

Web2 Web3

Layoffs from cloud companies Amazon, Google and Microsoft is fade of Web2. But Metaverse is failed attempt to create Web3 so far. My perspective on Web3 is on the edge, decentralized data storages. It respects the privacy of the data and give ownership back to users. It requires different set of business models instead of cloud computing and advertisement revenues. Instead, user should be able to list their own items in marketplaces and marketplace owner taxes a small amount for transactions. It allows users to create their own centralized web presence while systems working decentralized.

Monday, January 09, 2023

Tech Needed

The most important need nowadays, in my perspective, is advancement in battery technology. I have soo many devices that I need to charge. All have different interfaces and short life spans. #technology

Thursday, January 05, 2023

Start the year with language advice

Java is in continuous decline. Avoid as much as possible. The must known languages are python, javascript and C++

Friday, December 16, 2022

Exploding blog posts

Some toughts about AI written text. Now, writing becomes easy for everyone, reading would be more difficult. Hmm, there could be opportunities in that space. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize various industries and improve our daily lives in countless ways. Here are just a few examples of the benefits of AI: Increased efficiency and productivity: AI can automate many tasks that would otherwise be performed by humans, freeing up time and resources for more important or creative work. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer service inquiries, allowing human employees to focus on more complex tasks. Improved accuracy and precision: AI algorithms are able to process large amounts of data much faster and more accurately than humans, making them particularly useful for tasks that require a high level of attention to detail, such as analyzing medical images or detecting fraudulent activity. Enhanced decision-making: AI can analyze data and provide insights that can help businesses and organizations make better decisions. For example, AI algorithms can be used to predict consumer behavior or optimize supply chains. Improved safety: AI can be used to monitor and control dangerous environments, such as manufacturing plants or construction sites, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Greater accessibility: AI can help people with disabilities by providing them with tools that allow them to perform tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. For example, AI-powered speech recognition software can enable people with mobility impairments to communicate more easily. Overall, the benefits of AI are numerous and varied, and as the technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see even more innovative and impactful uses for it in the future.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Javascript template

cloneNode was not working on my template I used document.importNode(content, true) to create copies.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

AI vs I

How amazing that millions of intelligent scientists are working on their lifetimes while spending trillions and cannot even imitate true intelligence which God created.

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Artificial Intelligence

I got an analogy while traveling in Westfield today. I look at the lights in the night they were useful. But they are not even comparable to the Sun. I tought these artificial lights are similar in sense of artificial intelligence to real intelligence. It is useful in limited domain, especially where we are but they are not even close to real intelligence in current status. Even language models with impressive results does not have any reasoning it just gives fancy most frequent answers. But as artificial lights we should focus on where they are useful we don't have to replicate sun.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Dataset difference

While ml model differences give you 1,2 percent, dataset differences give you 10,20 percent. Unfortunatelly, second one is not publishable.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Keras model save

if you compile again model before saving it produces much small h5 file. I think it removes gradients.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Software Rot

Cloud software rots much faster, even if you do not have to change anything. They add new authentication mechanisms and new machine types, and things break more easily than before.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


I am amazed with capabilities and speed of javascript. People do not realize the full potential of it. No installation, no backend. A single file could serve as document or application at the same time.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

tensorflow keras

I think multiple calls to or predict functions are creating memory leak in keras

Monday, September 19, 2022

Small GPT Novel

Alpha was tired of ugly politics. The human race was fighting with each other all time in all centuries. "We need to start thinking about our future," he said to his wife one evening. "The future of the human race. We can't keep living like this." His wife, Omega, looked at him with love and understanding. She knew that her husband was a visionary and that he was always thinking about ways to make the world a better place. "What do you want to do?" she asked him. "I want to create a utopia," he replied. "A place where there is no war, no poverty, no crime. A place where everyone is happy and free." Omega smiled at her husband's idealism. She knew that it was possible, but she also knew that it would be very difficult to achieve. "It will take a lot of work," she said. "But I'm sure you can do it." And so Alpha set out on his quest to create a utopia. He gathered together the greatest minds of his time and began to work on a plan. It was difficult, but slowly, bit by bit, they made progress. And finally, after many years of hard work, they succeeded. The first thing they did was to eliminate all weapons. Considering the main source of all energy on earth the sun was the very good candidate to harvest. solar panels were created and became mass-produced. Soon all the homes had them. Cars were electric too and public transportation was free. There were no traffic jams, no pollution. The next thing they did was to create a universal basic income. This ensured that everyone had enough money to live on regardless of whether they worked or not. With no one having to worry about money, crime rates dropped dramatically. They also implemented a education system that was free and compulsory for all children up to the age of 18. This helped to eradicate illiteracy and ignorance. With all these changes, the world slowly began to transform into the utopia that Alpha had dreamed of. There was still some way to go, but it was a start. And finally, after centuries of conflict and misery, the human race had found peace at last. Using abundance of sunshine, it is possible to generate tons of energy on the surface of the ocean. Creating an artificial platform and obtaining the water directly from ocean electrolysis of the water and obtaining hydrogen fuel could be a good candidate. "Could I create a new continent" he thought. If it is possible to build a new continent, it could be self-sufficient, have its own food and water, and be completely green. This would be the perfect place to start his utopia. He gathered the smartest people in the world and started working on the project. It took many years, but they finally did it. They created a new continent, which they named Utopia. Utopia was a perfect place; there was no crime, no poverty, no disease. Everyone was happy and free. It was everything that Alpha had dreamed of. The only problem was that Utopia was isolated from the rest of the world. The people of Utopia had everything they needed, but they were cut off from the rest of humanity. Alpha knew that he had to find a way to connect Utopia to the rest of the world, so that everyone could benefit from its perfection. But he also knew that it would be difficult, because the people of Utopia were content with their lives and didn't want to change anything. But Alpha was a visionary, and he knew that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. So he set out on his quest to connect Utopia to the rest of the world, and finally, after many years of hard work, he succeeded. Automation is necessary for most of the part to reduce the human effort. It should be cost effective as well to scale it to continent size. But lets start from small. An open source crowd continent. "Could I create a new continent" he thought. If it is possible to build a new continent, it could be self-sufficient, have its own food and water, and be completely green. This would be the perfect place to start his utopia. He gathered the smartest people in the world and started working on the project. It took many years, but they finally did it. They created a new continent, which they named Utopia. Utopia was a perfect place; there was no crime, no poverty, no disease. Everyone was happy and free. It was everything that Alpha had dreamed of. The only problem was that Utopia was isolated from the rest of the world. The people of Utopia had everything they needed, but they were cut off from the rest of humanity. Alpha knew that he had to find a way to connect Utopia to the rest of the world, so that everyone could benefit from its perfection. But he also knew that it would be difficult, because the people of Utopia were content with their lives and didn't want to change anything. But Alpha was a visionary, and he knew that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. So he set out on his quest to connect Utopia to the rest of the world, and finally, after many years of hard work, he succeeded. People were happy for a while. However, then the corruption started. Greed overcome the people of Utopia and they started to fight with each other. They forgot their utopian ways and went back to their old ways of fighting and wars. Alpha was heartbroken. He had worked so hard to create this perfect place, and now it was ruined. He didn't know what to do. But then he remembered that no matter how difficult something is, it is always possible if you set your mind to it. So he gathered the people of Utopia together and said, "We can build this utopia again. We just have to work together and remember what we are fighting for." And so they did. They worked together and slowly but surely they rebuilt their perfect world. And this time, they made sure that it would never be lost again. He used data analysis to understand the human physiology of greed. He identified the root cause and started to work on a solution. It took him many years, but he finally did it. He created a serum that would suppress the greed gene in human beings. He injected the serum into the people of Utopia and they slowly started to change. The greed disappeared and they went back to being the happy, content people they were before. Alpha had saved Utopia. And this time, it would never be lost again. Until a new species comes. They were much harsh as compared to humans. They had no emotion, no mercy. They only wanted one thing- to dominate the entire universe. The utopian ways were no match for them and they soon started to take over the planet. Alpha knew that he had to do something, but he didn't know what. He was getting old and he knew that he wouldn't be able to fight them forever. But then he remembered that no matter how difficult something is, it is always possible if you set your mind to it. So he gathered the people of Utopia together and said, "We can build this utopia again. We just have to work together and remember what we are fighting for." And so they did. They worked together and slowly but surely they rebuilt their perfect world. And this time, they made sure that it would never be lost again. One point he would like to make for these aliens. Universe is so big. It has trillions of light years in space. Do not fight do science. He used science to communicate. He created some translation tool first. With these tools, they started to understand each other. They realized that they were not so different after all. They both wanted the same thing- a place where they could live in peace and harmony. So they decided to work together to create a utopia that would be perfect for both of their species. And finally, after many years of hard work, they succeeded. This time, the utopia was perfect. It was everything that Alpha and the people of Utopia had ever dreamed of. And it would never be lost again. Until, the communication channel somehow broken unnoticing. The utopian ways were no match for them and they soon started to take over the planet. Alpha knew that he had to do something, but he didn't know what. He was getting old and he knew that he wouldn't be able to fight them forever. But then he remembered that no matter how difficult something is, it is always possible if you set your mind to it. So he gathered the people of Utopia together and said, "We can build this utopia again. We just have to work together and remember what we are fighting for." And so they did. They worked together and slowly but surely they rebuilt their perfect world. And this time, they made sure that it would never be lost again. He got old on all these wars. He was happy. But his life is about the end. No matter how the perfect the life is it is not eternal. He wanted to leave a mark. He wanted to be remembered after his death. He wanted to create something that would last forever. And so he did. He created the first ever time machine. With this time machine, he could go back in time and change the course of history. He could make sure that Utopia was never lost again. And so he did. He went back in time and changed the course of history. Utopia was never lost again and it remains perfect forever. Even with his time machine on the other hand. His body was signaling about his health. His wife was worried. She wanted him to go and take a break. They both decided to go on a vacation. During their vacation, they went to a lot of different places. They saw the beauty of the world and they were happy. But then, one day, while they were walking in the woods, they came across a group of people who were being attacked by a bear. Alpha ran to help them, but he was too late. The bear had already killed one of the men. Alpha was devastated. He had never seen someone die before that harshly. It was something that he had always tried to avoid. He wanted to make sure that this never happened again. So he went back in time and changed the course of history so that the bear never existed. And so Utopia was perfect once again. As we are never perfect, his vacation ended with an unpleasant surprise. His neck was hurting. It was then he found out he had cancer and only had a few months to live. Omega was devastated. She didn't want to lose her husband. She loved him more than anything in the world. But Alpha was at peace. He knew that he had done everything he could to make the world a better place. And he knew that his work would continue after he was gone. Omega decided to use the time machine to go back in time and save her husband's life. But when she got there, she realized that she couldn't change the past. All she could do was watch as her husband died in her arms. It was a painful experience, but it taught Omega something important. She realized that even though we can't change the past, we can learn from it and use it to make the future better. And so she decided to use her husband's work to make the world a better place. She went back in time and used her knowledge of the future to help people in the present. And slowly but surely, she made the world a better place. Just like her husband had always wanted. And Utopia was perfect without Alpha again. Thank you GPT

Thursday, September 15, 2022


I asked gpt3 to write a function to transpose a matrix. Indeed a neat solution with a typo. def transpose(matrix): return [list(I) for i in zip(*matrix)]

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Saturday, August 27, 2022


If you ask an #ai scientist if it would be possible to generate an AI that understands and extends research papers, he will appreciate the difficulty of the task since it is his domain. However, there are some who could claim end-to-end workflows are possible in some other areas where they do not have enough knowledge. We often oversimplify the domain with over complexified neural architectures. In most cases, we don't need full automation but better integration, faster and more transparent response, and more iteration in the real world to eliminate unnecessary tasks. It is not about replacing humans, it is allowing people to do better. Here is my joke to illustrate this.

Saturday, August 20, 2022


I was getting error "Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror:" I realized that it was arm version. I replaced it so it resolved. The speed is 6 times faster

Sunday, August 14, 2022

A generated article about machine learning from machine learning

We expect many publish articles for the people who applied machine learning to write them. By putting them into a form in the context of human nature, editors of writings in machine learning should be able to see that they are part of a larger strategy for building a better understanding of human behavior. Machine learning makes a positive contribution to human social interactions. In addition to creating a more social environment for ourselves, it may make our life easier for our children and grandchildren to live vicariously through our creativity, good health, and successful learning opportunities. Machine learning is a big win for human learning today. It shows how smart machines make smarter choices and can be used to improve society. It is also a success for us as learners because we have free resources and opportunities to learn more. For more information on what Machine Learning does for our personal and professional lives, I highly recommend checking out my book "Makers of Social Change." This article, edited for length and clarity by machine learning, demonstrates machine learning at a young age. A young kid may not understand all the techniques given to them when designing their life, but I did learn from a teacher who taught me how to write, read and collaborate with his kids as he would go about his day. And those tools would help me continue my education and build a smarter, more complete, more successful life Maybe you know the story already. It's not just good advice — it's a pattern that repeats throughout history and the stories we tell ourselves. Ask any long-time entrepreneur the defining difference between a successful entrepreneur and a failed one, and almost everyone will tell you it's an ability to speak intelligently to others and listen to their stories.

Friday, June 10, 2022

ML Rot

As software rots due to chances in dependency machine learning model rots due to change in data. HDR, higher resolutions, new encoding formats will have impact on existing methods.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Machine Learning Deployment

Machine learning deployment is mostly matrix multiplications and exp function around the results of matrix multiplications. It is especially interesting for me to have front end deployment where there is no need for connectivity and it allows further scalability. We have done this for Tajweedmate using tensorflow lite. Luckily it is working.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Your personal universe is giantic, do not fight do science.

Bilimin degisik alanlarinda hayal kurmaktan kendimi alamiyorum, cam merceklerle kumu eritip tekrar mercek uretme, havadan carbonu cekip elmas yapma, pasificteki copleri recycle ederek yeni bir yapay kita olusturma gibi ucuk seyler aklima geliyor. Ama mumkun bunlar kucuk orneklerini yapan insanlar var

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Tongue Twister

I was optimizing my optimizer, I realized my optimization was not optimum due to dependencies, then I have optimized the dependencies to optimize my optimization optimization process.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Self writing paper

Another definition, a paper that does not gives tables and figures but writes a program within itself like javascript to be able to generate those images automatically based on updated configuration settings and data included.

Monday, May 09, 2022

New computing area

hoe does it sound if I say decent architech for the people gained expertise in the area of decentralized computing instead of cloud

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Masum bir kahvalti

Icinde haslanmis kus embriyosu, yanina inek yavrusu icecegi, ezilmis soslanmis hayvan parcalari, bir miktar olu bitki kokleri ve zehirli ari ciktisi ile. Aslinda bizim koydugumuz isimler yumurta, sut, sucuk ... isin hakikatini gizliyoruz bunlarla.

Friday, February 04, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


The first move of AM I AI released in It is not a static image. It is a new form of interactive art. You can send your feedback to

Monday, December 06, 2021


Regularization is symptomatic remedy for overfitting. But it does not solve the real problem. The real problem is we should not trust our loss function that much.

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Click to listen

Run following command in js console if you want make web sites audible with a click document.getElementsByTagName("p")].map(p => p.addEventListener('click', e => speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(e.srcElement.innerText)), true))

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Web storage

One of the interesting capability of javascript is, it allows you to store data on client side. The only thing you need to do is storing your data in key value-string pairs. localStorage.setItem('key',JSON.stringify({"data":"object"})); The limitation however is the size is 5mb at most.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Time Zones

Our parents were arranging their schedule according to sunrise and sunset. They are still consistent in their habit. However, in our generation we are unable to sleep before 12pm for most of the time. Thus, we don't need to arrage the time according to sunset and sunrise. Instead whole world could be in single time zone say GMT +0. In this case we don't need to convert our time information while communicating. For example it would be 16 pm for everywhere whether it is sunset or sunrise. I will not change time zone if I travel. The time is the same time and actually absolute value does not matter.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

A linear regression on Turkish Lira

I have used two pieces of linear regression breaking at the point of govermental change. Clearly there is a huge slope difference between two eras.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Soz Sanatlari

D50'nin 1'i kuyuya tas 60, 40 akilli kovaya 1000'mis, suyunda 100'mus anca 70.

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Set custom debugger for python

You can set PYTHONBREAKPOINT to set behaviour of breakpoint function. For example ipdb.set_trace. More Info

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Computational Complexity

Even that the speed of a program is fast enough production it may not be fasy enough for experimentation. Because, you may need to many trials before settling the final configuration.

Friday, July 09, 2021

Blogger Phone App

Even that web interfaces are universal, still dedicated phone app from blogger makes it easy to post from phone.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021


We see x.99 prices everywhere. It is hacking human perception. Everybody does it does not mean that it is fair. I got an idea to develop a chrome extension that shows prices with x.99 by adding 1 cent on it.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

C vs C++

Supposedly compatible to languages create problems in some cases. Recently I have faced cmath and stdlib do not work with each other. The compiler creates all sorts of strange errors.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Atan Sozler

Paslayan demir is tutmaz
Katlari diken, gulmeyi sever
Demleye demleye gel, olur
Balik yiyen bastan asagi kokar
Her et kusbasi yenmez
Yorgunsan yere ayagini uzat
Kupun darsa, sirke satma
Sakla zamani, kiymetli her ani

Friday, May 21, 2021

Git recover lost rebase

1. git reflog First identify the lost commit 2. git diff master commithash --name-only Check the differences in the files 3. git checkout commithash filepath Pick the one that you need

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Get Json of Django Object

I found unnecessarily difficult to get json from django model object. Here is my simple solution to get that done.
def get_json_object(obj, fields): return {f:obj.__dict__[f] for f in fields}

Friday, May 07, 2021

Thursday, April 08, 2021

No Real Style Transfer

Neural Networks are used to produce style transfer. But discrete structures are more difficult to generate. Here is my example. Does it resemble any picture to you?

Monday, February 15, 2021

Django + NGINX + USWGI

I was using "app" in the config, that was the reason why it did not work. Now converting to "application" it works. module=mysite.wsgi:application

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Being Human

If you go to 20 generations before you are mixture of 2**20 ~ 1 million people.

Sunday, December 13, 2020


Most of the time learning already known things is not a good idea in machine learning. Cppns are nice exceptions. Treat raster image as data and map coordinates to pixel values. The result is interesting, vector approximation of raster image. Better yet, multi layer function have potential to be more compact than pure vector lines.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Testing 3rd party api

Keeping the trials in a test suite for 3rd party api ensures consistency in later stages. a good suggedtion from book Clean Code

Thursday, December 10, 2020

DRY Principle

I like the DRY (Do not repeat yourself) principle. In my words, do not copy-paste your code; use functions, modules, etc. to avoid that. This will reduce the point of maintenance. Wikipedia

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Text to Speech in Browser

It would be a nice welcome, however I couldn't bypass user interaction requirement.
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hi, Welcome'); window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg);

Monday, October 26, 2020

Do we really need Free Moving Windows ?

After using window managers many years I began to realize that most of the time we need grid manager. Moving windows freely serves only to create a layout which some of them would be visible. This could more effectively achieved by grid managers.

Turkce Tekerlemeler 7

Baba, bak balık, Baba, bak balık, çok kalabalık, Bak bu kalabalık balık, hepsi alabalık, Yap bir babalık, tut birkac balık, koy yanına salat...